
Friday 12 September 2014

Word of the Week - Expensive

Posted by Rosie

The Reading Residence



adjective - costing a lot of money

This has been an expensive week and with each passing day we have got to hear the ching ching of the proverbial cash till and there is still more to spend out on.

  • We have had an intermittent electric fault so needed to call out the electrician ... although in fairness this was cheaper than having to buy a new washing machine which was what we thought was at fault - ching ching!
  • Poppy, our lovely Black Labrador, had to have an operation to have 2 lumps removed and the lumps analysed - ching ching!
  • The lid fell off the medicine Henry the cat has to have and we lost a good chunk of the 28€ liquid that was inside it - ching ching!
  • We have had to pay for the boys' after school activities - athletics, music theory, saxophone and rugby - ching ching!
  • There have been more school supplies to buy - ching ching!
  • Ben needs new rugby boots and Tom needs new running shoes - ching ching!
  • Both our gas bottle and the one in the gite ran out - ching ching!
  •  The mower is playing up and will need to go to the mower repairman - ching ching!

Yes - this week has been expensive!
-ching ching!


  1. It's always the way isn't it. Hopefully you might get a short break before the 'whispers' Christmas frenzy begins :-)

  2. It's never ending at times!

  3. Oh dear, I hope next week does not cost you as much money as this week! #WotW

  4. It always feel like everything comes at once doesn't it! Hope you have a lovely weekend x #WotW

    1. I did thank you - the boys and Simon when camping (cheap weekend break) and I stayed home and spent not one cent!!

  5. Oh dear. I hate times like this, and it does always seem to come in batches, too. Here's to a cheaper week for you next week! Thanks for sharing with #WotW

  6. Gosh you have had an expensive week. It always seems to be the way though, one thing after another! X #WotW

  7. Oh golly, I hope that is the last of the spending you have to do for a bit. This time of year is always expensive in our household too!

    1. Not just us then - hope your spending decreases out next week.

  8. I know how you feel! We've had a new boiler fitted this week and kids start of term 'activity' invoices all coming through.

    1. Ouch - hope the boiler fixture wasn't too expensive.

  9. Oh my! Very expensive.....It's always one thing after another! Hope that's the last of the spending done for a while x

  10. Hopefully next week you will have an unexpected windfall, or at the very least a resite from all this expense x #wotw

    1. Thank you, Louisa. A Premium Bond wind would be good right now!

  11. This sounds like my week too! Trying to do some DIY! Whenever DIY is mentioned it should be followed by 'ching ching'. #WotW

    1. Too true - DIY never seems quite as cheap as you think!

  12. Aargh! That is frustrating when it all happens at once. Hopefully though that'll be it and you won't have any more bills for a while!! #wotw

  13. *sigh* same in our household. My son starting school is expensive. True that school is free but the uniforms and school supplies needed are just too much for our savings. Plus the after school too like yours. I just hope that the products that I bought would last long and wont needed replacement. #wotw

  14. Oh no! Let's hope next week is cheaper! I hope also that your dog is o.k x #WOTW

    1. Aw, thank you Aby. Still waiting on the test results.

  15. That does sound expensive! Why is it that costs tend to come all at the same time. Hope Poppy and Henry recover.

    1. Thank you - Henry will be on the medicine for life but with lucky Poppy will make a full recovery.


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