
Tuesday, 22 July 2014

Animal Leaf Pictures

Posted by Rosie

In the fifth of our series of nature games and activities for children today we have:

Animal Leaf Pictures

This activity involves going for a walk to collect a variety of leaves of different shapes and colours before returning home to create an animal picture with them.

Leaf Mouse

To make Animal Leaf Pictures you will need:

  • A selection of leaves of different shapes, sizes and colours
  • Glue (PVA is best)
  • Paintbrush
  • Paper or cardboard
  • Laminating sheets (optional)
  • Animal pictures for inspiration (optional)


  • First head out to collect your leaves, which is best done on a dry day.  Autumn will give a better range of colour but even in Spring and Summer you'll be surprised how many different coloured leaves there are once you start really looking.
  • Collect a good range including really small ones for eyes, long thin ones for legs and big round ones for bodies. Long thin leaves with a serrated edge make excellent feathers!
  • Once back home assemble your materials and start making your animals.
  • You may want to copy a picture from a book or the internet or be happy to go freestyle!
  • For younger children you can draw or print off an animal outline for them to fill in.
  • Be as adventurous as possible, building up layers of leaves for features such as eyes, spots on butterflies, scales of fish etc.

Note - if you want you can dry and press the leaves first although I have never bothered with this stage.  Another option is to make your pictures on paper and then laminate them for posterity.

Book - Look What I Did with a Leaf!

For this activity I got my inspiration from the book, "Look What I Did with a Leaf!" by Morteza E. Sohi.  If you head over to Amazon you can have a peek inside at some of the leaf animals in the book.

Do let me know of you have a go at making animal leaf pictures and I'd love to see your pictures.  You can either post them up on Twitter linking to us at @ecogiteslenault or pop them on our Facebook page.



  1. I like these a lot! We did something similar in autumn, making a hedgehog. The mouse is so cute #LetKidsBeKids

    1. Thank you - you do get more colour choice is Autumn, our mouse was a little monotone, but well camouflaged ;)

  2. Fantastic idea. That mouse picture looks great! I have added it to my summer to do list.
    Thanks for sharing #LetKidsBeKids

    1. Thank you, Karen. He was fun to make :) Let me know if you make a leaf picture, you can always post it up on our Facebook page.

  3. I've definitely got to try this at home with my daughters! I love the idea of using natural things like leaves as materials!

    1. Do post a picture of your animal up on our facebook page if you want!

  4. Good idea.. Definitely trying this! Every time I go for a walk with the kids I have to empty my pocket of leaves, flowers, stones etc and that's after I've put all the twigs down :)

    1. Would love to see the results - you can always post a picture up on our Facebook page or on twitter linking to @ecogiteslenault ;)

  5. Oh I love this, so fun! Next time we are in the woods we'll be borrowing a few leaves to see what we can make

    1. If you do make a picture, Amanda, I would love to see it!

  6. My son shouted 'a mouse!' when she saw your craft. And now he wont stop shouting it =P #letkidsbekids

    1. LOL - Glad he recognised the picture as a mouse :)

  7. Brilliant idea. We live next to a forest so we can get lots of leaves. Pinning this idea #letkidsbekids

    1. Would love to see the results, Louisa - you can always post a picture up on our Facebook page or on twitter linking to @ecogiteslenault ;)

  8. I love this idea! What a great adventure to go and find the leaves and then letting their imagination run riot creating pictures! Thanks for linking up to #Playtime

  9. These are so cute. I can't wait to do things like this with Little Man. He is just getting into drawing so I'm sure it won't be long before he is keen to get on with things like this. Thanks for sharing at the Outdoor Play Party :-)

  10. Those are brilliant, such a lovely idea (I might steal it lol).

  11. Such a cute idea and great in the Autumn with all the wonderful shades. Going to have a look at that book!

  12. they are so cute, shame my kids are all grown up now

  13. Love these, we have made leaf collages here on the farm too, always popular. Cute mouse.


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