
Thursday 5 June 2014

Flaming June ...

Posted by Rosie

More like where the flamin' hell has the June weather gone?  As a result of the unseasonally cool and wet weather things in the veg garden here at Eco-Gites of Lenault are really not progressing at the speed I would both like and expect.  Throughout this week I have been wondering what to write about for my regular How Does Your Garden Grow slot and was wondering if I might have to give it a miss this week.  I have seeds not germinating, beans not growing and far too much sogginess underfoot.

Ever hopeful though, I set off with my camera and once I started looking a bit closer I could see things are happening - just a bit slower than normal for June.

For a start we are picking strawberries. And with all this rain they are BIG!

The bean poles are finally up and some beans have even managed to germinate.  It's not too late for them but I fear we may be without parsnips this year which just will not germinate. Has anyone else had success with parsnips from  a June sowing or should I just cut my losses and use the ground for something else?

We have the first of what I hope to be many courgettes and French beans.  At the moment I am excited about these little fellas, but give me a few months of picking them and I will vow never, ever to plant another courgette or French bean seed again!

I harvested the onions that had overwintered in the polytunnel and was very pleased with the results.  These will keep us going until the outdoor ones are ready.

Remember the herb garden I gave a major haircut to back in March - now it's really filled out giving up plenty of culinary flavours ... although I am not sure how the foxglove got there and I will certainly not be using this poisonous plant in the kitchen.  (Did you know however, that an extract from foxgloves, digitalis is used to treat heart disease?)

Oh and I haven't given you a mystery plant for a while so here's one to get you thinking.  Any ideas?  It was a very belated Christmas present from Simon.

What have you been up to in your garden this week?  Have you seen anything of flaming June or are you and your plants struggling to remember what summer is?  Drop us a comment and we'll come and have a nosy round your garden!

Mammasaurus and How Does Your Garden Grow?


  1. What a wonderful garden, it really is one of the reasons I want to come and live in France over here we couldn't afford anything with such a wonderful garden and ours is so steep we can't do anything with it. So apologies I can't be of any help on the planting front, but it all looks lovely :)

    1. Thank you and I hope you get to live in France one day.

  2. It is only the 5th of June Rosie...I barely think it's started but sorry to hear you've been having rubbish weather. Your herb garden looks fab! Pop over to my link for some Provencal warmth if you're lacking it down your way. :-)

    1. I know but on the end of a cool and damp May too .... :(

      I've just seen your lavender and sunflowers - simply stunning and so totally Provence.

  3. ell at least your strawberries are doing well. i am still somewhat hopeful for ours but i think they are pretty much a wash.

    1. They are, 'tis true. Is it too hot to grow strawberries with you?

  4. our strawberries are starting to ripen, but I think it will be a while yet! seem like you still have lots of progress in your garden despite the weather… that onion haul is very impressive!

    1. Thank you - I think the onions benefited from the mild winter.

  5. It has been very wet in the UK as well. Shame things are growing slower than you want, but I am sure they will speed up soon. For germination, are you germinating outdoors or in? The herb garden does look fantastic though!

    1. It's the outdoor germination I am struggling with. I have just resown beetroot and will have a last ditch attempt at parsnips tomorrow.

  6. I know, where is the good weather?? Everything looks like it is coming on so well! Can't wait to get harvesting x #HDYGG

    1. It sisi warm up quite a bit today so fingers crossed things will surge forwards now. I have resown some seeds and will do more tomorrow.

  7. Strawberries! Yay! Rain! Booo! Loving your culinary herb garden, something I keep meaning to get on with myself - I am having a bit of a garden lull here at the moment, for reasons that will eventually be explained. Woah that sounded far more mysterious than I meant it to!.
    I cannot believe you remembered not to give the plants name away in the image. Grrr. Is it some sort of berry ?! Yes, I know, I know nothing. Nada. Nout.

    Thanks for joining in again - here's to hoping the weather improves soon!

    1. Intriguing!

      Mystery plant - yes it is a berry on tree - would you perhaps like to dance around it on a cold and frosty morning?

    2. Mulberry bush! Do I win do I win!?

    3. You win the chance to come and plant it - and add fencing to secure it from our porcine friends!

  8. YOur strawberries looks awesome! I have some potted plants but they are .. not going to make it me thinks. The rain is just too much for my lil ones =( #hdygg

  9. The strawberries are looking amazing! Over here they are still green :(

    1. They have gone mad this week with some sunshine at last.

  10. Our strawberries are yet to ripen-they're definitely late this year too. I'm loving your opening lines by the way! And glad you had time to reflect and see what is growing well too :)

    1. I just needed to look a bit harder than normal - good things sometimes like to hide!

  11. Things are rather soggy here too at the moment. At least your strawberries look nice and juicy though. Your herb bed is looking lovely!

    1. I am really pleased with the herb bed - I reckon it is the beat it has ever been.

  12. It's late at night and now I am hungry for the feast the your garden brings. I know that it must be hard work but it's beautiful and looks so worthwhile. When you get fed up with courgettes, send some this way please! For the first year ever, it looks as though we may be without. I wonder what those kids did with the seeds if they didn't plant them!

    1. They may have rotted if it was cold. Probably not too late to plant a few more, especially if we get a good autumn.

  13. I especially love that herb garden! hope you get a run of dryer weather soon so your seeds germinate!

  14. That herb garden looks fantastic, and it's come back so well. Enjoy those strawberries!

    1. Thank you - I think I need to make strawberry and mint ice-cream!

  15. We've had another torrential downpour today.On the plus side just think not so much watering to do!


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