
Friday 30 May 2014

Word of the Week - Ordinary

Posted by Rosie

The Reading Residence


With no special or distinctive features; normal.

With the car still off the road I have been rather limited in what I could do this week.  As a result I have been home whilst everyone else was out and about.  

Simon and the boys went to Paris on Saturday to watch a rugby match and also sneaked in trip up to the top of The Arc de Triomphe.  I stayed home and did ordinary things - dog walking, washing, a bit of gardening, ironing and suchlike.

On Sunday Ben had an all day rugby tournament which Simon took him to.  Tom and I stayed home and I did ordinary things ... gite cleaning, baking a cake for guests and welcoming said new guests.

On Monday and Tuesday Ben had a 2 day school trip at an outdoor activity centre and on Tuesday Tom was back in Paris again with school at The Palais de la Découverte (which he loved) - I did ordinary things.  So ordinary in fact, I cannot remember what!

On Wednesday Ben was home all day and very tired after his trip and Tom did his usual half day at school and then came home, very tired after his trip.  We did manage a dog walk together but weary boys gave up half way along and flopped in the grass and I didn't push them to join me.  It wasn't a particularly brilliant or terrible dog walk - it was just ordinary.

Ben, Saari and Tom on an ordinary walk

Thursday was a Bank Holiday here in France but Simon was away working so with no car we stayed home.  I usually go to market and meet a friend but she came here and we did ordinary things.  Actually, no, we didn't!  We spent the morning moving ducks and planning how to cope with the fact that against the odds and despite not always remembering to sit on her nest, Hettie our new young duck, had managed to hatch 5 ducklings!  Now that was NOT ordinary -  ducklings are always a bit special especially when you think Hettie has failed to brood them properly.  You'll have to wait for pictures as at the moment she is not letting them out from under her wing but here's one Hilda hatched earlier in the year.   Altogether now - awwwwwwww!!

One of Hilda's duckling - March 2014


  1. Love that your version of ordinary is most folks opposite! Very cute ducklings :-) #WotW

  2. Sounds like a lovely week, though, however ordinary. And those ducklings at the end of the week there I definitely not ordinary - exciting! Thanks for sharing with #WotW

    1. It was a most unexpected end to an otherwise ordinary (for me) week!

  3. Arrr the duckling is so cute, I also love the picture of the boys with Saari! Sounds like a lovely week, ordinary is good x #WotW

    1. Thank you - Saari loves the boys and they love her. No idea where Poppy had sneaked to at the time!

  4. Oh not so ordinary after all! Shes a lovely duckling =) #wotw

  5. Wow your ordinary sounds pretty fantastic to me :-)

    How adorable is your duckling! Can't wait to see the latest additions x

  6. Your ordinary does sound fantastic!!
    Awww at the ducking!! Too cute x

  7. The duckling!!! So sweet! :) I actually want your life - it sounds nothing but extraordinary to me! Xx #wotw

    1. LOL - you are more than welcome to come and clean out the pigs one day soon ;)

  8. Aww, I can't wait to see photos of the ducklings. Your week sounds fantastic

  9. Oh ducklings, how lovely:-) I sometimes find weeks where I just potter about not doing anything different, then I miss it when i'm rushing around everywhere ( I can't win!)

    1. I must admit I am beginning to miss not being out and about - we are still carless :(

  10. A little ordinary sounds lovely to me and as for the duckling...gorgeous. Helen

    1. It is true that my ordinary is quite interesting, especially when the end result is unexpected ducklings.

  11. Look forward to seeing those gorgeous fluffy ducklings! #WordoftheWeek


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