
Friday, 16 May 2014


Posted by Rosie

The Reading Residence



An effort to reach or pass a norm, especially after a period of delay

Going away is great, if you discount all that needs doing before you go and all that needs catching up with when you get back.  And ever since we got back late on Saturday evening I seem to have been chasing my tail trying to get caught up.  Weeds in the garden have gone mad, rhubarb needs picking and processing, potatoes need earthing up, new plants and tomatoes need planting out, seeds need sowing, the grass needs mowing both in the veg patch and round at friends, gite bedding needs washing and ironing, animals need cleaning out, jam needs making and so the list goes on.  Heavy rain early in the week didn't help with outdoor jobs but now the sun has come out and I am beginning to get through the long outdoor list.

Is it time to go on holiday again?  I'll need one as soon as I have managed to catch up with this last one!


  1. Ah yes, the post-holiday catch up - hideous! I do hate the week after we get back, as there's always so much to do. Sounds like you have more than most, too, so wishing you luck catching up soon x Thanks for sharing with #WotW

  2. I absolutely love the look of your gite and will definitely be keeping you in mind as I'd love to visit Normandy x #PoCoLo

    1. Thank you, Hannah, and we would love to see you here.

  3. Ah, yes, the dreaded catch-up! It does make you wonder why you went away, and you definitely need another holiday to recover :) #WotW

  4. Ohh wow! Sounds like you do have a lot to do! Don't work too hard over the weekend x

    1. I didn't work too hard - a sickness bug made sure of that :(

  5. This, Rosie, is why my Dad nornally refuses to go on holiday at all during the summer months - he has to be there for his allotment!! Hope you get caught up soon and at any rate enjoyed your holiday. X #wotw

    1. I can fully sympathise with your dad there - going in May was risky but I managed it and am now paying the price!

  6. Aww thats how I feel on a Monday actually. When i let go of my routine Saturday and Sunday and come Monday the house is a mess & theres extra chores to do =P #wotw

    1. My house is always a mess but if I can get the garden tidy then I'm happy!


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