
Tuesday, 8 April 2014

Spring Nature Detectives

Posted by Rosie

OK - Spring is definitely here. Spring flowers and blossom are all around, leaves are breaking bud and our tadpoles have hatched!  I've yet to see a swallow but we have ducklings and best of all ... we now have lambs!  Meet Betty, Boo and Beau:

 If you are looking to get out and about and would like some inspiration for Spring activities do read on!

Nature Detectives is run by The Woodland Trust and is a website dedicated too getting children out and about enjoying nature.  It is absolutely packed full of ideas, things to do, places to go and downloadable packs.

For a start there are 150 downloadable Spring Activities including fact sheets, booklets, play and make ideas, quizzes, art ideas puzzles, stories and hunt/ID sheets.  Work your way through those and then there are the free nature packs for the rest of the year, recipes and details of local events.   It truly is an extensive website but if you don't fancy searching through the whole site, you don't need to.  Your children can join the Nature Detectives Club and have the information emailed to you or a regular basis.

Image from Nature Detectives

Perhaps there is there a photographer in the family?  Nature Detectives has loads of information for budding photographers on the site - Nature photography pages.  You can also record your first sightings of bluebells.  Being in France I can't add my sightings which is a pity as the roadside verges and woodlands are now bursting into full bluebell bloom and they look fabulous they are along with the orchids, cowslips and primroses.

So now there is no excuse not to get out and enjoy this Spring.  I'm off to enjoy blossom from our cherry tree whilst getting on in the garden.  Please do let us know what activities you chose and which your favourites are. 



  1. Joined my son! Thanks for the link! #letkifdsbekids

  2. Great website, I'm so looking forward to spring arriving properly here so that we can start getting outside more :) #LetKidsBeKids

  3. Sounds like a great website, i will take a look. I love getting out and about with the children in spring.
    Thanks for sharing #LetKidsBeKids

    1. The boys were members for a year or so and loved it (and so did I!)


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