
Tuesday, 22 April 2014

Eggs eggs and more eggs!

Posted by Rosie

So Tom might nearly be a teenager and Ben only is 16 months behind him but they proved on Monday that they are not too old for an Easter Egg Hunt.  I hadn't thought they would want one but I was wrong so supplies were hurriedly bought.  I read of others doing their hunts on Good Friday - but that was no good as it is not a Bank Holiday here in France and the boys were at school.  On Saturday there were normal sports for the boys - athletics in the morning for Tom and rugby in the afternoon for Ben so no time then.  Sunday should have been ideal but for the fact it was raining and Ben had designated Easter Sunday a Pyjama Day meant the Hunt was delayed again!  

Monday it was then.  Boys were told to stay in the house and eggs were hidden. 

Ready, Steady ... GO!!!

They're off

Ben finds a big chocolate bunny

Searching through the herb bed

Easter Sunday was not without egg discoveries, though.  When we eventually persuaded Ben out of his PJs he went out for some fresh air and whilst nosing around in the empty pig field he found 2 duck eggs in the shelter!  That makes 3 nests of eggs we currently have and only 2 ducks! I have no idea who is laying what or where or how old these eggs might be but the water test revealed them to be relatively fresh. (They sank in a bowl of water where-as old eggs sort of bob on their ends and off eggs float).

This stash was not as large as the one of hens' eggs I found in an abandoned hen house last year mind.  Naughty hens!! 
Egg stash!

Did you get up to any fun activities this Easter?  Do let us know in the comments and then you can head on over to the Let Kids be Kids linky where I am sure there will  be more Easter related blogs to read!

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  1. i dont think you can EVER be too old for an egg hunt! looks like they had great fun :) #letkidsbekids

  2. I am old but I find it fun to help my son look for the eggs that husband scattered all over the house =P

    Look at how happy he is in finding that bunny! Like finding a treasure =P

    Love your egg post #LetKidsBeKids

    1. Thank you Merlinda :) He was indeed a Happy Bunny!!

  3. Never too old for an egg hunt, what a great space to have one in too! #letkidsbekids

  4. Ooh, gotta love an egg hunt, no matter what age :-) Although I think at my age I'd be more excited by the "real" egg find than the chocolate ones - how amazing is that?

    1. Me too Sophie - I never tire of seeing how many eggs our chickens have laid each day.

  5. I don't think my children will ever be too big for an easter egg hunt, they LOVE it! It does look like your boys enjoyed it.
    Thanks for linking #LetKidsBeKids

    1. Possibly something to do with the lure of chocolate?!

  6. Sounds like your children had a lot of fun!

  7. Never too old for an Easter Egg!! They look like they had a brilliant time, especially finding a chocolate bunny :-)

    1. Ben was so pleased with that find - can't you tell??!!

  8. We had a egg hunt for my 19 month old but we soon realised that the teen and tween enjoyed it more than the toddler :) Great photo's of them having fun x

    1. Something to do with a greater understanding of chocolate I suspect!

  9. Egg hunts are great, we did ours on Sunday :) It looks like your boys had a great time! #LetKidsBeKids

  10. Absolutely! You are never too old for an Easter egg hunt! They look like they had a great time!

  11. It is brilliant they still wanted an Easter egg hunt; I hope my little ones are still as enthusiastic as your boys when they grow up. Mel

    1. If it involves chocolate I think you'll still find they will be enthusiastic!

  12. Where chocolate is concerned I don't think there is an age restriction!! It's great to see them tearing around hunting excitedly for eggs. As with previous years our guests had a great time finding the eggs that were hidden around Coombe in the various play areas. Thanks for linking up and sharing with Country Kids.

  13. Oh my! Look at the enthusiasm in the top photograph, such livewires! Hope they enjoyed themselves?

    Nipping over from Country Kids.

  14. It looks like they had a great time hunting for those eggs :) I guess you are never too old, eh?

    Have a wonderful week.


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