
Friday, 21 March 2014


Posted by Rosie

The Reading Residence


[ɪntəkəˈnɛkt'd]  adjective

1. united, joined, or linked.
2. having a connection.
3. joined together in sequence; linked coherently: connected ideas.

With a good period of dry weather I have finally been able to get a wheelbarrow through the pig pens and get them cleaned out.  This is never my favourite job - it's physically hard, it's a bit smelly (not as bad as you would think though) and it's rather boring.  So as I pushed barrow load after barrow load of pig poo out of the pens my mind, as ever, started wandering and I got to thinking about how interconnected our life here at Eco-Gites of Lenault is. 

Le me explain.  Pigs poo and pig poo has to be cleared out. Where does it go?  It goes onto the vegetable patch to fertilise the earth that grows the vegetables.  We eat the vegetables but any peelings or vegetables that are going over are fed to the pigs. It's the same with the grass. We have grass areas where the boys and our guests' children play.  We mow the grass and the cuttings get fed to the pigs.  In the fullness of time we will be eating roast pork from a pig fed at least partly on the grass that is growing in our play areas together with vegetables fertilised by the manure from the pigs.

Piles of Pig Poo aka Garden Fertiliser
So whilst I may have cursed barrowing 20 loads of pig poo up to the vegetable garden,* I know that at sometime in the not too distant future we will be eating food given a helping hand by the poo in the barrow in front of me!

 It is all Interconnected.

*  NOTE - If you are planning a similar operation just one word of note. You may not want to put your vegetable UPHILL from you pig pens ... but at least pushing all that poo uphill keeps me fit!


  1. This is how life should be - all made up of cycles. If you look at nature it always works in cycles so to live differently is unhealthy. Going to the supermarket and buying packaged food and filling up landfills is destructive. I wish I could have a bit of land so I could have pigs too! #WotW

    1. Thank you - I do love my pigs EVEN when I do have to clean them out!

  2. I do love thinking in this way, and that connection and self-sufficiency must feel great. Though I did laugh at your note at the end there! Thanks for sharing with #WotW x

    1. We are not as self sufficient as we would like to be but we are getting there.

  3. That sounds like hard work!! But yes, this is the second WotW I've read which advocates sourcing your own food which makes sense if you've the time, space and inclination! #WotW

  4. Utterly amazing Rosie! I am in awe of how you live your life. I look forward to your roast pork recipe in a future post ;-) #WotW

    1. Not sure about that! As for my roast pork I tend to just roast until done as simply as possibly because the taste of our own reared pigs is just so delicious it doesn't need any embellishment!

  5. Lovely to read how you recycle everything on the farm too

  6. That does sound like hard work but very worthwhile x


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