
Monday, 24 March 2014

Flower Power

Posted by Rosie

Spring Flowers in Normandy

OK, so it was -3ÂșC when I took Tom to the bus stop this morning but the sun is now shining and it will soon warm up (she writes hopefully), after all it is March and Spring and there are wild flowers EVERYWHERE.

One of the things that I love about living in Normandy is the fact there are so many wild flowers.  The year starts with the snowdrops; quiet and unassuming, braving the cold and acting as the warm-up act for the bigger show to follow.  One day a bit later you notice something yellow, the first brave primrose.  And then suddenly all the roadside verges, footpaths and field edges are bursting with flowers of so many varieties.  I was driving home last week and I just had to stop the car and take a closer look at all the flowers.  Luckily I had my camera so I could share this Magic Moment with you - isn't it stunning?

Spring flowers near Eco-Gites Of Lenault, Normandy, France

Throughout Spring we will be delighted with smiling anemones and celendines, trumpeting wild daffodils, shrinking violets, quivering cowslips, upright orchids, nodding bluebells and pungent wild garlic to name but a few.  Each flower a marvel of nature and each a beauty in their own right.  And with them comes the butterflies and the bees.  Oh and I haven't even mentioned the blossom that is all on the cusp of flowering.  Without a doubt, Spring is definitely here in Normandy!

Bluebell and friend

Purple spotted orchid

Spring flowers at our back gate - Eco-Gites of Lenault

Orchids, bluebells and cowslips

Apple blossom


If you would like to come and enjoy our flowers we have availability in the gite through to early May and including Easter week.  And over the last week-end April 26th we are offering a discount if your stay includes Saturday 26th April.  Details are on our Facebook page.  For further details about booking a holiday here at Eco-Gites of Lenault please visit our website or you can telephone 0033 231 09 27 51 (up to 8pm UK time please).


I'm joining in with 2 blog links today - Magic Moments from The Oliver's Madhouse and What's the Story from Podcast, Grappling with a Box of Frogs.  Why don't you click on the links and see what other stories bloggers are sharing today.


  1. I really wish I can take as nice photos as this! Vivid colors =)

    1. Thank you - I am no expert, I just point and press!

  2. It must be wonderful to see all this colour Rosie, I love Spring for all the flowers appearing. Not seen any cowslips yet, they always remind me of holidays in Wales when I was a child. Love those last two photos especially, thank you so much for sharing with #whatsthestory

    1. It is, Charly and it is why I love Spring so much. All that new life. Wonderful.

  3. It's still snowing here and we're desperate for Spring flowers and warm weather. We always know Spring is here when we start to spot white Trilliums. Lovely photos!

    1. Thank you and I hope your Trilliums appear very soon.

  4. Your spring looks a couple of weeks ahead of us. This week's easterly wind has really stopped spring in its tracks here.

    1. We are not normally this early but after a mild winter everything is ahead this Spring.

  5. awww Rosie this i so beautiful to see i would love to visit but cash and time are not my friend of late! ;-(

    I have to say it looks the most beautiful place to live!

    thanks for linking up with #MagicMoments x

    1. Thank you and here's hoping one day you'll make it over here!

  6. It does all look so beautiful. Lovely photos x

    1. Thank you. No matter how many times I see the Spring flowers they always fill me with joy!


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