
Thursday, 13 March 2014


Posted by Rosie

The Reading Residence 

English definition of “alone”


: separate from other people or things
: without people that you know or that usually are with you
: feeling unhappy because of being separated from other people

With Simon and the boys away skiing I have been home on my own - alone.

: separate from other people - Yes
: without people that you know or that usually are with you - Yes
: feeling unhappy because of being separated from other people - No

Alone yes.  Lonely most definitely not.

For many people the idea of spending 10 days on their own in a farmhouse in the middle of the Normandy countryside would fill them with dread.  For me it is something I look forward to.  Don't get me wrong - I love having my family around but with that family comes ties, responsibilities, burdens ... oh and only half the bed!  Meals have to be placed on the table, school runs done, boys taken to and collected from activities, questions answered, homework help given, reminders about saxophone practice dolled out, 4 times as much washing dealt with and Lego trodden on.  OUCH!!  It is sometimes difficult to find time alone to be me.

So 10 days alone gives me that valuable time to be me and to recharge my batteries.  I can eat what I want, when I want.  There is no-one to ferry here there and everywhere (note to self though - MUST remember to collect boys and Simon on Sunday evening from the station), no questions to answer, no homework or saxophone, ¼ of the washing to do and NO Lego to tread on.  Oh and all the bed ;)

Alone yes.  Lonely most definitely not.

I have caught up with friends for supper, for cake and for chatting.  The sort of catching up where we talk about O' Level English Literature, smallholdings and genealogy without a whiff of rugby, DIY or diggers.  I have baked chocolate brownies and eaten rather too many of them and may have had a glass or two of wine.  I have stopped the car and watched the mist rise from the countryside.  I have gone for long walks with the dogs and not taken either my phone or a watch because it didn't matter what time I got home.  I have sat in the valley and just listened to the birds and watched the butterflies flutter past .... and I have wondered why butterflies are in fact not called flutterbyes.

Alone yes.  Lonely most definitely not.

Alone may have the same derivation as lonely but this has negative connotations.  Alone for many people is negative but for me, 10 days alone is just what I need.  Time alone gives me time to be Me.


  1. I say I would love to have 10 days alone but I don't think I could be without them for that long but I could definitely enjoy a long weekend :) Glad you enjoyed your time to yourself x #WotW

    1. Thank you - I'll be glad when they are home tomorrow mind ;)

  2. I agree alone does have a lot of negative connotations but I feel it's extremely good for you. I wish I could get a little more alone time!

    1. It can be hard - that'll be my lot for a good while now!

  3. Sounds blissful. It is so important to find time for yourself and it's something I find quite tricky to achieve but it makes it all the more special when I do :)

    1. It can be tricky to find but so special when you manage it.

  4. .I don't think I could be alone for 10 days....I need people around me.....Sounds like you are having a lovely time though!!...
    We call butterflies

    1. I have also had a good number of people around me - but I have had the choice of who I see and when which makes all the difference. Looking forward to seeing them back tomorrow though.

  5. That's a good distinction! Thanks for sharing!

  6. Lovely. Although I would find 10 days a bit long, I would be happy with a couple even! #WotW

    1. You'd be surprised how quickly it has passed ... and how little of my To To list I have got done!

  7. I'm so with you there, some time alone is wonderful, and it makes you appreciate those who are not around a bit more when they come home too. Or does it?

  8. It sounds lovely. You're so right making that distinction, too. My mum is alone (bar her dog) yet would never consider to be lonely, a conversation we do have. I am very rarely alone, maybe the odd 3 hours every 2-3 months, so I'd quite happily take just 1 of these 10 days to recharge! And no, don't forget to pick them up :) Hope they've had fun x Thanks for joining in with #WotW

    1. With young children it is hard but as they get older you will find more time to be alone. And I may have to set an alarm to remember to pick them up - 10 days not watching the clock is a long time!

  9. Gosh it does sound appealing! I used to love alone time like this. To indulge in my own timetable and diet. Suppers for one. Lie ins. Long walks. It all sounds blissful! But yes don't forget those boys now ;-)


    1. The only thing I failed on was long lie-ins. I am too accustomed to getting up early now and the animals still need feeding!

  10. Some well earned and well deserved me time! Make the most of it. #wotw

    1. Thank you - my time alone is nearing it's end now and I do feel very recharged.

  11. That sounds like my idea of heaven and I think it does us all good sometimes too.

    1. Undoubtedly - although I am now clock watching to when I can go and collect them from the station.

  12. I was worried when I first read the title of this post but I'm so glad to hear you're not feeling lonely. Having 10 days on your own sounds quite luxurious, what a lovely break xx

    1. Didn't mean to worry you but I did hope to make people realise that for some people Alone can be a good thing.

  13. Fantastic! I wouldn't wish away the lovely company I am usually surrounded by, but I really enjoy my own company too! I really crave it sometimes. I'm sure that it will be so nice to hear all the stories the boys will come back with!

    1. I lever to collect them in an hour and a half and no doubt the journey home will be full of their exploits on the lopes, some of which I might prefer not to hear!

  14. Oh that sounds so lovely and peaceful. Being a mum of two boys I totally get the need to have female conversations and no lego to tread on! #WotW

    1. I certainly do feel a certain lack of women in this house sometimes - at least we have 2 female dogs!

  15. What a fantastic time you are having! I think it's so important to have time to be ourselves, even if it's just for fifteen minutes a day. Ten days worth must feel amazing! x

    1. And now it is finished - noise and mess is back - normality returns! Oh and early school runs! It was good fun though :)

  16. When you take care of yourself, you are better able to take care of others. Kudos to you for taking the time to recharge your batteries! I love that you started this post with a definition - and then applied it to yourself. Alone, but not lonely! FABULOUS!

    1. Thank you Lisa - it was exactly how I felt yet many people are surprised that I can actually enjoy being alone for a while.

  17. It sounds lovely! And just what I want! I find that when I am alone I've very torn: part of me just loves it. Part of me misses the family. Nevertheless I'm planning some serious alone time next year, traveling solo... We'll see how that feels!

    1. Gosh - solo travelling. That sounds adventurous. Are you heading towards France at all?

  18. I could use some Me Alone time right about now that so many things are going on inside my head. I am not alone but I am lonely.

    Lovely post.


    1. I am so sorry you are lonely pixiedust and I hope soon to hear that you get some alone time to sort things out x

  19. Ever since I was a child, I've always been happy in my own company but there is a fine line between being happy in that company and feeling 'alone'. Loneliness is an awful, hollow feeling. Thankfully, I don't get the chance to be lonely now, with my beautiful family keeping me on my toes... But your 10 days sounds amazing!

    1. You are so right about there being a fine line and one I have at times crossed over. This was a great 10 days alone though which has now ended and normality i.e. mess, noise, routine Lego (ouch) and 4 times as much washing has returned!


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